April is here, and with it comes the most important dates that we as Christians celebrate.
Good Friday is the 3rd and Resurrection Sunday is the 5th of April this year. It is a time that we celebrate our Lord's sacrifice for us. It is a time when we reflect upon the shedding of His blood as a "Once and For all Sacrifice", so that we may be found white as snow before God.
I urge you to read the book of Hebrews Chapters 7-10 this coming week. The Writer (most likely Paul) reminds us that Jesus rose from the grave, conquering death once and for all for those who would love Him and believe on Him. As if that was not enough, Jesus is alive and well, and is our Eternal High Priest, who makes intercession for us non-stop, before the Father. In all of creation there has never been a greater gift given than Jesus.
We just have to accept that gift to have eternal life. I urge you to spread that message. God loves us so much that He created a way for us to be Redeemed to Him. God Loved us long before the world existed, and wants to fellowship with us eternally. It is a remarkably simple message and gift, and yet so profound.
In His Service,
Pastor Gary